Friday, December 26, 2008

A Christmas wrap-up . . .

Wow.  Wow!  It is truly remarkable the decibel level Larkin can reach with nothing more than his naked voice.  I mean it is incredible.  He is only 3 yet commands attention when he wants by simply unleashing his vocal cords.  When he does . . . watch out.  Larkin has been, how shall I say, less than "good" to merit a visit from the ole' jolly one himself.  Yet on Christmas Day there were gifts for Larkin.  That prompted Jack to say "surprisingly Santa came to see Larkin also."  So true.  So true.  

Thus far (I say "thus far" because we are Episcopal and celebrate the 12 days of Christmas that begin on Christmas Day and end on Epiphany 12 days later - we keep our trees up, etc. until then) we have had a wonderful Christmas, although I am continually amazed at the commercial side of it.  There is not a trinket made that our boys don't have.  We have done much better the last couple of years.  Santa now brings only 3 main gifts with a few other items for the stockings.  Our boys now know and understand that despite a list of 5,321 things, they are likely to get only 3.  They are now okay with that.  Banks was making his list to send on up to the North Pole before Christmas and only had 3 things on it.  Jamie inquired why he didn't put more on there.  His response, "well, if I only put 3 things on there and Santa brings 3 things, I'm sure to get all 3."  Pretty intelligent move I suspect.  Guess what?  Santa indeed brought all 3.  (we're suckers).  At the end of the semester in kindergarten, Banks's class was assigned a task of writing to Santa with their Christmas wish for gifts.  Banks's wish?  "to get all the presents on my longer list."  Nice.

Larkin is infatuated with Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman.  Nothing strange about that for a 3 year old; however, here's where it gets a bit odd . . . he insists on watching the episodes in Spanish.  I know, I know.  I cannot explain it.  You can walk in the back of the house and there is Larkin engrossed in some Batman episode in Spanish.  


S said...

Jay - Your boys sound great! I think maybe our house needs to try to limit our lists to three items...its hard to choose what to play with when you get 15,000 things under the tree. Anyway, I hope everyone at your house has a great Christmas.

Wow - all that running....I'm impressed. Keep it up!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year,

Jay Perry said...

Thanks, Shanna. Christmas was really good. The consumerism side gets me a little foul, but we had a great week.

BTW, happy birthday!