Friday, July 25, 2008

Had a nice easy 7 mile recovery run yesterday. It's hot (92+ degrees most days) and humid most of the day - especially when you don't get out of the rack early enough to run before work!

Looking forward to tomorrow when a group and I head out to some local trails to get 12-15 miles in the morning. Time for me to step up my efforts and work a little harder with the training. This year I have done 1 trail half-marathon, 1 road marathon, and 1 trail 50 mile. I'm pleased with the results but effectively wasted my training by not hammering it hard after the races. The 50 mile race was on March 1st and I haven't done any racing since then. I admit it's tough to squeeze training into a schedule with a wife, 3 kids and a 50+ hour work week. But it's time to start hitting the morning circuit! I am signed up for the Great Eastern Endurance Run (G.E.E.R.) 50K in the Blue Ridge Mountains outside Charlottesville, Virginia. I am looking forward to the race as it will be difficult - elevation gain wise. Gill, the race director and owner of Charlottesville Running Company and Bad to the Bone Endurance Sports, made fun of me for signing up for the 50K instead of the 100K - the "Big Boys' Race" as he called it. Maybe next year, Gill! If it weren't for work, I'd train all day . . . just haven't figured out a way to pay the bills with that yet.

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