Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I am continuing my training for the Arkansas Traveller 100 in October - my first 100 miler. I am pretty fired up about trying it, but I do not think it has really dawned on me that I am going to run 100 miles, +/- 24 hours. Straight.

I have not been killing it training wise the last month. I have been running, but my long runs have suffered. Work has been busy and I coach my oldest son and middle son in coach-pitch and t-ball respectively. Extra time is fairly precious right now. I am going to have to start getting out of the rack early enough to get 6 - 10 miles in before work and then maybe another workout in the evening.

The training I have done in the past for a 50 mile race and a number of 50K's was tough but not incredibly difficult. Time to step it up.

I am looking for at least one and maybe two 50 mile races in June - August, preferably within driving distance (around 10 hours or less). Any suggestions?

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