Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Early rising . . . late afternoon recovery

Dang that alarm clock. Actually it's my Blackberry, but still, you get the point. I know a lot of people get up at 4:30ish and have no problem doing it. It was tough when that puppy started singing at 4:30. I got out of the rack around 4:45 and was running by 5:15.

It felt good to be out running before the sun comes up. The temperature, although still warm, was much more pleasant than during the day. I did a couple of miles easy to warm up and then did 5 miles at marathon pace (between 8:00 and 8:23) through campus at Mississippi State University. It's nice to run through campus, especially early when the runners and walkers seem to control the flow of activity for a few hours. After the pace run I finished up with 3 easy miles to cool down.

With school starting back for the boys I hope to get the majority of my runs in early. If today is any indication, it will be a blast to run and watch the sun rise at the same time!

At the end of the day I ended up doing an easy recovery run of approximately 40 minutes. I hadn't planned on running twice today, but felt pretty good after the morning session and decided to get another workout in. Mileage for today was about 14 miles.

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